Wednesday, February 29, 2012

LG Optimus 4X HD impressions: 4 core, but only 3G (Digital Trends)

[unable to retrieve full-text content]Digital Trends - Mobile World Congress has seen a big coming out for Nvidia???s new Tegra 3 quad-core processor with appearances in a number of phones, including LG???s new powerhouse, the Optimus 4X HD. As you might guess from its name, the Optimus 4X HD has four processor cores and an HD 720p screen. Still, despite packing in more cores, the Optimus 4X won???t have a feature that almost all phone fanatics should be looking for: 4G LTE connectivity. 


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U.K. Corporate Arts Spending Hits 7-Year Low - Philanthropy Today ...

Financial support for cultural groups by British businesses dropped 7 percent, to $212.5-million, last year, the lowest figure since 2004, the BBC reports.

Overall donations for the arts, including gifts from individuals, foundations, and trusts, rose a little more than 4 percent to just under $1.1-billion in the 2010-11 fiscal year, according to culture philanthropy group Arts and Business.

The British government launched a major push last year to boost business philanthropy and support for the arts, terming 2011 the ?year of corporate giving.? Culture Secretary Jeremy Hunt termed the overall increase in giving to the arts a success, telling a BBC radio program, ?I think it would have fallen a lot further if we hadn?t put in the effort that we have.?

Museums and heritage attractions took in more money in 2010-11, while visual-arts, theater, and community arts groups saw donations decline.


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In economic rebound, housing woes remain

Job growth and spending are showing signs of life, but the biggest continuing problem for most Americans is their homes.

Economic cheerleaders on Wall Street and in the White House are taking heart. The US has had three straight months of faster job growth. The number of Americans each week filing new claims for unemployment benefits is down by more than 50,000 since early January. Corporate profits are healthy. The S&P 500 on Friday closed at a post-financial crisis high.

Skip to next paragraph Robert Reich

Robert is chancellor's professor of public policy at the University of California at Berkeley. He has served in three national administrations, most recently as secretary of labor under President Clinton. He has written 13 books, including 'The Work of Nations,' 'Locked in the Cabinet,' and his most recent book, 'Aftershock: The Next Economy and America's Future.' His 'Marketplace' commentaries can be found on and iTunes.

Recent posts

Has the American recovery finally entered the sweet virtuous cycle in which more spending generates more jobs, more jobs make consumers more confident, and the confidence creates more spending?

On the surface it would appear so.

American consumers in recent months have let loose their pent-up demand for cars and appliances. Businesses have been replacing low inventories and worn equipment. The richest 10 per cent, owners of approximately 90 per cent of the nation?s financial capital, have felt freer to splurge. Consumer confidence is at a one-year high, according to data released on Friday.

The U.S. government has not succumbed entirely to the lunacy of austerity.?Republicans in Congress have just agreed to extend both a payroll tax cut and extra unemployment benefits, and the US Federal Reserve is resolutely keeping interest rates near zero.

Yet the US economy has been down so long that it needs substantial growth to get back on track ? far faster than the 2.2 - 2.7 per cent projected by the Federal Reserve for this year (a projection which itself is likely to be far too optimistic).

A strong recovery can?t rely on pent-up demand for replacements or on the spending of the richest 10 per cent. Consumer spending is 70 per cent of the US economy, so a buoyant recovery must involve the vast middle class.

But America?s middle class is still hobbled by net job losses and shrinking wages and benefits. Although the US population is much larger than it was 10 years ago, the total number of jobs today is no more than it was then. A significant portion of the working population has been sidelined ? many for good. And the median wage continues to drop, adjusted for inflation. On top of all that, rising gas prices are squeezing home budgets even more.

Yet the biggest continuing problem for most Americans is their homes.

Purchases of new homes are down 77 per cent from their 2005 peak. They dropped another 0.9 per cent in January. Home sales overall are still dropping, and prices are still falling ? despite already being down by a third from their 2006 peak. January?s average sale price was $154,700, down from $162,210 in December.

Houses are the major assets of the American middle class. Most Americans are therefore far poorer than they were six years ago. Almost one out of three homeowners with a mortgage is now ?underwater?, owing more to the banks than their homes are worth on the market.

Optimists point to declining home inventories in relation to sales, but they?re looking at an illusion. Those supposed inventories don?t include about 5 million housing units with delinquent mortgages or those in foreclosure, which will soon be added to the pile. Nor do they include approximately 3 million housing units that stand vacant ? foreclosed upon but not yet listed for sale, or vacant homes that owners have pulled off the market because they can?t get a decent price for them. Vacancies are up 1m from 2006.

What we?re witnessing is a fundamental change in the consciousness of Americans about their homes. Starting at the end of the second world war, houses were seen as good and safe investments because home values continuously rose. In the late 1960s and 1970s, early baby boomers got the largest mortgages they could afford, and watched their nest eggs grow into ostrich eggs.

Trading up became the norm. Homes morphed into automatic teller machines, as baby boomers used them as collateral for additional loans. By the rip-roaring 2000s, it was not unusual for the middle class to buy second and third homes on speculation. Most assumed their homes would become their retirement savings. When the time came, they?d trade them in for a smaller unit, and live off the capital gains.

The plunge in home values has changed all this. Young couples are no longer buying homes; they?re renting because they?re not confident they can get or hold jobs that will reliably allow them to pay a mortgage. Middle-aged couples are underwater or unable to sell their homes at prices that allow them to recover their initial investments. They can?t relocate to find employment. They can?t retire.

The negative wealth effect of home values, combined with declining wages, makes it highly unlikely the US will enjoy a robust recovery any time soon.

Under these circumstances it?s not enough to rely on low interest rates and make it easier for homeowners who have kept up with their mortgage payments to refinance their underwater homes. The Administration should also push to alter the federal bankruptcy law, so homeowners can use the protection of bankruptcy to reorganize their mortgage loans. (Few will actually do so, but the change would give homeowners more bargaining power to get lenders to voluntarily alter the terms.) A second possibility if for the Federal Housing Administration to offer to take on a portion of a household?s mortgage debt in exchange for an equitable interest in the home, of the same proportion, when it is sold. Such debt-for-equity swaps could help homeowners now struggling to keep up with their mortgage payments, while not adding to the federal budget in future years when housing prices are expected to rise.

But whatever is done will not affect the fundamental change that?s come over Americans with regard to their homes. It?s not clear what will take the place of houses as the major investments of the American middle class.?

[I wrote this for the Financial Times, where it appeared yesterday]?

The Christian Science Monitor has assembled a diverse group of the best economy-related bloggers out there. Our guest bloggers are not employed or directed by the Monitor and the views expressed are the bloggers' own, as is responsibility for the content of their blogs. To contact us about a blogger, click here. This post originally ran on


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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Want to hear Obama sing the blues? Best chance is tonight on PBS.

At a recent White House blues concert, which airs on PBS Monday night, President Obama joined the guest artists for a few bars. When did the White House first become a musical venue?

Will President Obama sing Monday night on national television? We think there?s a pretty good chance the answer to that is yes. Mr. Obama crooned a few bars of ?Sweet Home Chicago? during the taping of ?In Performance at the White House: Red, White, and Blues,? which will be broadcast on PBS the evening of Feb. 27. We?d lead the show with that, if we were the producers.

Skip to next paragraph

After all, few presidents have had a chance to sing along with both B.B. King and Mick Jagger, on the same song.

But many presidents have enjoyed White House musical events. In fact, the White House is perhaps the nation?s oldest showcase for the performing arts.

?It?s a stage like no other,? writes musicologist Elise Kirk in her book ?Music at the White House: a history of the American spirit?.

When Mr. Obama hosted blues singers for a concert held in conjunction with Black History Month he was continuing a long history of such musicales. The US Marine Band performed at the first White House public reception, held on New Year?s Day 1801, during the John Adams administration.

The golden age of White House music was the early 20th century, writes Ms. Kirk. Steinway & Sons donated a magnificent concert grand piano to the White House in 1903, and great pianists such as Josef Hofmann and Ignacy Paderewski played it for President Theodore Roosevelt and his family.?

As the decades rolled on, the diversity of American popular music became more prominent. Dwight Eisenhower?s after-dinner entertainment for Chief Justice Earl Warren in 1958 featured then-current Broadway tunes, according to the White House Historical Association.

President Kennedy and his wife were intensely interested in the arts ? and the media were intensely interested in them. The result: White House concerts for the first time received television exposure, setting a pattern that continues to this day.

The current PBS series of hour-long programs broadcast from the East Room began in the Carter administration. The first was a 1978 performance by pianist Vladimir Horowitz. Since then the series has featured artists from Linda Ronstadt to Lou Rawls, Leontyne Price, and Larry Gatlin.

Which presidency produced the most PBS performance shows? That?s easy ? Ronald Reagan?s. As the only professional performer to win the Oval Office, he hosted 17. The last was a salute to Broadway recorded Aug. 6, 1988, directed by the great Marvin Hamlisch.?


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Cooking Tip of the Day: Demerara Sugar

Ever notice that professional baked goods sometimes have a large granular sugar on top... it adds a sweet crunch to the crust of breads, muffins and pastries?

Many home bakers sprinkle their baked goods with sugar? I am no exception?. but I wanted to get that crunch? so I did some research and found that Demerara sugar is used. It?s popular in the UK and is also available here in the states.

So just what is Demerara sugar?

As described on the Florida Crystals website? it?s a large amber colored granule with a hint of molasses inside each crystal. It is crystallized from the initial pressing of 100% pure cane sugar. It is not the same as brown sugar.

Demerara Sugar is readily available in supermarkets in the sugar section. The brand I purchased was Florida Crystal, to locate a retailer that carries their brand go to their website. There are other brands also available.

I hope you found this helpful.


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Monday, February 27, 2012

Homeowners' emphasis on energy efficiency grows | Pro Hands at ...

(ARA) ? Even in a volatile economy, homeowners are making home upkeep a priority. While the number of projects annually had been on the decline in recent years, a study from BuildFax, a resource for building, remodeling and repair information, found remodeling activity was up in 2011 over 2010. Additional data shows homeowners are opting to invest in what matters most with projects that benefit their wallets, personal comfort and the environment.

Know the facts

Before buying anything, shoppers are taking time to learn more about the products they put in their homes. For one in four consumers, knowing and understanding what makes up general household products is important. As options continue to increase, this attention to research is key to finding efficient products that offer maximum value. For instance, homeowners will find that a few newer home insulation products that help provide greater energy efficiency also boast new sustainable formulations. Owens Corning EcoTouch insulation is made from 99 percent natural materials, contains a minimum of 58 percent recycled content and is verified formaldehyde free.

Energy-efficient essentials

According to the 2010 Home Improvement Research Institute Trends Program Report, reducing household energy usage and bills through energy-efficient improvements continues to be the No. 1 reason homeowners make home improvements. That same report also indicated six out of 10 consumers need help identifying what they can do to be more environmentally conscious.

?Now is the right time to make efficiency improvements around the home because homeowners will see an immediate impact on their monthly utility bills, and will reap even greater benefits in the long term,? says Frank O?Brien-Bernini, chief sustainability officer at Owens Corning. ?According to the U.S. Department of Energy, buildings use more energy in the United States than either transportation or industry, accounting for the consumption of 40 percent of our nation?s energy resources. On a more granular level, the primary use of energy in a home is for heating and cooling. In many homes, excessive energy is wasted through poorly sealed and insulated attics, walls and ductwork ? all problems that can be solved by handy do-it-yourselfers or through experienced contractors.?

The Home Improvement Research Institute reports roughly one in three homeowners plans to purchase more energy-efficient doors, windows or HVAC systems in the coming year. Sealing all openings around doors and windows can help homeowners make the most of their investment. Air ducts should also be inspected to ensure they are clean, are free of leaks and holes and direct air to the right spaces.

Recycling 101

While recycled content is commonly focused on, recyclable materials are also important. Often with home improvement projects, old materials are thrown out and replaced with the new. What many homeowners may not know is that many building materials and appliances are recyclable. Recycling is a better solution for the environment, and may be less costly than taking material to a landfill.

?There are more recyclable materials on and in a home than you might first assume. Millions of tons of shingles torn off from roofs end up in our country?s landfills each year. Fortunately, the technology now exists for all those shingles to be recycled instead,? says O?Brien-Bernini. ?In 2009, Owens Corning Roofing and Asphalt, LLC formed an alliance with Heritage Environmental Services to create a Shingle Recycling Program with roofing contractors to make recycling convenient, cost-competitive and differentiating and have since recycled more than 90,000 tons of asphalt shingles.?

Homeowners looking for more information about shingle recycling and other types of recycling can turn to, with whom Owens Corning Roofing and Asphalt, LLC recently also formed an alliance. The site hosts the largest and most accurate recycling directory in North America and provides information about what materials can be recycled as well as lists of recyclers in local markets.

For more tips on efficient home improvements, visit


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Sunday, February 26, 2012

Samsung announces Ice Cream Sandwich powered Galaxy Tab 2 in a 10.1 version

Tab 2

Gearing up for Mobile World Congress, Samsung has announced the Galaxy Tab 2 (10.1) this evening, to go along with it's 7-inch sibling. The Tab 2 (10.1) has a 1280x800 display, a dual-core 1GHz CPU, 1GB of RAM and runs Ice Cream Sandwich. Unlike it's predecessor, it also comes with a slot for an external SDcard. Coming in both 16GB and 32GB versions, in both a wifi and HSPA+ 21 configuration. TouchWiz is also on board, as is a healthy 7,000mAh battery. No word on pricing, but Samsung says this one will go on sale this March in the UK. We'll find out any further details direct from Samsung when we meet with them this week. The full press release is after the break.

Source: Samsung

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Saturday, February 25, 2012

Managed Computing Business - IT South Kensington Solutions ...

computing IT South KensingtonYou will discover a number of causes why a organization must seriously look at hiring managed IT South Kensington?services to help move their company forward. Devoid of a maximized workflow and optimally functioning technologies, a firm could lose useful info via issues that may possibly arise. Irrespective of what size company you are coping with, ensure you contemplate acquiring a service that can help you with all the heavy lifting. Unless you?re going to start an in-house IT department, you?ll need to contemplate enhancing your company with an outsourced tech team. There are actually 3 major reasons why choosing an outside IT firm is a good solution.

Danger Management ? Whenever you hire a tech enterprise to deal with personal computer assistance services, you?ll be able to really feel confident inside your office technologies and concentrate on business enterprise operations. Rather than hiring an in-house team that would take up space and resources in your location of company, you?ll instead lessen the risks involved with hiring, insurance and much more by basically getting an IT service that is certainly separate from your organization place.

Infrastructure Manage ? If you are dealing with personal computer networking, technologies, web pages and a lot extra, you?ll must have full manage more than updating and big processes that make them work. This really is specially true if you?re running a shopping cart software program on your website. With out control, you will not be moving forward with infrastructure. As an example, if the network goes down at any given moment, you will end up getting peace of mind mainly because you may get your website back in working order quickly, as an alternative to getting to wait for your tech team to arrive in the office.

Less Perform, Additional Efficiency ? The main reason why you will will need a service of this type is because it will mean less work in the long term. Your tasks won?t be related to technology, and rather your small business can move forward with relative ease. In-house staff usually instances have extra work to do than just concentrate on the managing of technological advances, which can at times bottleneck particular elements of infrastructure. By removing that element, and acquiring a service, you are going to guarantee that business enterprise is moving forward at all hours in the day and also night if have to have be.
The aforementioned factors are just a number of examples to think about when deciding regardless of whether or not to hire an IT enterprise for pc assistance services. Services are varied and you?ll find a great deal far more arguments both for and against hiring outsourced IT providers. The above are just a number of causes that must support keep you motivated in hiring a team that?s already operating in technology, instead of wanting to build a ?dream team? for yourself. You could devote month soon after month trying to figure out who to pick out to come on board and aid along with your tech requirements, or you could let the specialists handle your desires with relative ease. By hiring an outside firm, you are going to also be saving a tremendous amount of income that would otherwise be spent on an in-house IT South Kensington?department. The long-term savings will trump the expenses which you would have to invest in getting and forming a suitable team to manage all tech support. Outside firms have experience and staff to deal with any and all requirements that arise, so your enterprise is covered.

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Auto Loan Immediately after Individual bankruptcy ? Learn how to ...

[unable to retrieve full-text content]If you are searching to uncover if you can get car finance just after a bankruptcy proceeding then you will want you just read this information. A lot of people don't realize that your particular credit is often fixed the use of your good on time car ...


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Friday, February 24, 2012

What Can Logbook Financial Products do for you personally ...

With the current economic climate struggling the way it is, there are many those who are researching ways to get payday loans or money that they?ll repay down the road. One of the ways that people are going to do this is with cash advance techniques. Cash loan systems have been produced to help people complete financial difficulty to ensure that individuals can cover their each day costs. The way in which cash loan methods work is that they provide you with small loan alternatives which will give people a quick term solutions when they are short on cash.

Prior to deciding if a cash advance method is right for you, you will need to comprehend what they?re. Cash advance systems aren?t for large numbers of funds like home mortgages are. The financial loans are created to hold people over till their next pay is available in and so they will pay that money-back. The financial loans get using a short period of time to pay them back and therefore are typically only for just a few thousand dollars at most. Also, individuals will not have for as long to pay for their financial loans again as those who take away home loans do.

With regards to choosing if a money advance system meets your needs, there are a few different alternatives you?ll have to consider. There are a number of different cash advance options available to people who require them. One of the most well-liked kinds of cash advance systems available right now are logbook loans. Logbook loans can help people get the short-term money that they must obtain financial situation back again on course. Logbook loans have become popular for a couple of diverse factors, are available with a number of different characteristics that lots of people see appealing.

With logbook loans, or pink- slip financial loans when they are called, a person is givena cash loan in return for their logbook or possession documents for their car. With a logbook loan, vehicle owners get to make use of their vehicle, but you are offering up the ownership rights to the home lender that offers the mortgage loan. With one of these financial loans, the car functions as security so the lenders know that they will end up their money again. There are numerous benefits to logbook lending options, but one of the greatest benefits that people are savoring is there?s no credit assessment needed as there are with a lot of other types of financial loans. That is primarily as you are already offering guarantee.

There are lots of individuals who actually prefer these kinds of cash advance loans since they gives a lot of people more income than other cash advance loans. With logbook financial loans many individuals are able to get about half of the worth of their automobile, which is typically enough to get most people by until their next paycheck. For this reason a lot of people, who require a little extra benefit their existing financial situation will turn to these specific types of financial loans.

Are you serious about logbook loans along with other financial details? If you need to learn more about logbook loans uk, you must certainly check out our site.


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Daily Tips for Business: Venture Capital

In business, as in everything else, communication is key. If you want to give your project its best chance at getting funded, there are certain key points that I like to call the 12 Funding Commandments that you must abide by, questions you must answer before even your investor(s) asks. You present these clearly and concisely, you've got yourself a killer Presentation.


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Sunday, February 12, 2012

ASOS: 15% Off Everything | Style Flavors: Selective Reviews of ...

All ready for the weekend? ASOS is giving you another reason to cheer with its 15% off everything weekend sale. This sale will last through midnight Sunday. So if you?re planning some weekend shopping, this is something worth checking out.

Simply use the code SMILE15 to enjoy the discount. Have a great weekend everyone.

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Saturday, February 11, 2012

Web Development India

Published by witter | February 10, 2012 | | 31

Now days, there are certain elements that are affecting and molding the process of web development of a particular website. These elements are used to make the web design effective and efficacious. The prime factors that should be taken care of at the time of website designing and development include customer satisfaction and high quality standards. There is no as such medium available as rapidly developing and growing as the web. Ruled by varied applications, Web development includes everything starting right from online instant messengers, social networking websites, online office software, online photo albums, and web mail applications. In fact, with the ever growing and developing usage of internet, web development applications are going better day by day with more functionality. Web application development is all about the innovation, technology and creativity. Also, with the growing penetration of the internet usage, the creation of web development is the forte and niche of several developed countries that has to be carried all across the globe.Web development India has gained tremendous and immense popularity, all due to the easily attainable technically skillful expertise, along with the costing benefit too. The entire procedure of web development India not just involves writing the code but also completely understanding the user requirement. Equipped with a user centric strategy, web development for sure extends to the innovation of most popular, modern and advanced network applications.
It is highly significant to construct a user friendly and user sensitive front interface which renders an easy to use and proper help sections, whenever needed. In fact, for an everyday types internet user, a very complicated and complex web development application makes no sense. Always make sure that the web application development works same across all the platforms. Most of the web applications work through web browsers and with the growing number of browsers and platforms; it is significant for the developers to assure that web application developed work similarly across all browsers and platforms. These days, almost each and every business has been accompanied with its own website. As everyone wishes to attain their business goals through their websites, erstwhile web development has to be done with utmost care and accord. At the time of web development, prime quality standards will make it possible to reach the desired goals for the web business for which the designing and development has been done. In order to fetch best response from customers located all across the globe, one should be 100% dedicated and committed towards work and ready to serve them 24*7. Just never make any compromise with the quality standards, even if it costs you a bit more than your expectation. Best features of a well designed and developed website includes:
1.100% customer satisfaction.
2.W3C validation and cross browser compatibility.
3.Easy navigation, along with fast downloading.
4.SEO semantics and magnificent appeal.
5.High quality standards.

Your main priority must be uniqueness and innovativeness of websites that helps in maintaining the stability in this competitive era. In fact, the unique and distinct strategy of developing client oriented custom based solutions makes them stand apart from thousands of web applications. Each and every website should meet issues and concerns related to the website development life cycle i.e. analysis, design, development, testing and maintenance. For a Web development company, it is really tough to survive now days and maintain its position, but one can really make it possible by maintaining quality, services and uniqueness of websites.


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Friday, February 10, 2012

Emerging Markets Communications Company Profile ...

Headquarters: Miami, Florida, USA
Founded: 2000
Public/Private: Private

Company Details:

Emerging Markets Communications (EMC) is a premier provider of hybrid global satellite and terrestrial communications with a specialty in providing high-bandwidth Quality-of-Service MPLS connections for telepresence and HD video over satellite. Utilizing a high quality, fully managed network, EMC offers private end-to-end satellite and terrestrial solutions in more than 140 countries. EMC specializes in meeting the diverse communications needs of its customers, which includes Oil & Gas, Telecom, Financial Institutions, Global 2000 companies and Large Intergovernmental organizations including United Nations. A US-based company with its HQs in Florida, EMC is powered by its network of strategically located, wholly-owned support centers (Argentina, Germany, Kazakhstan, Russia, UK, Thailand, UAE, US, Kenya, Angola, Nigeria and Senegal). EMC operates three wholly-owned teleport facilities in USA and EU, which are equipped with 11 to 32m C, Plan C, Ku, Ka, L, and X-band antennas, as well as 120,000 sq ft of highly secure disaster recovery and business continuity infrastructure. Our QMS is ISO 9001-2008 certified.

EMC's R&D division owns several unique and highly differentiated patents in the area of bandwidth re-utilization, Satcom on the Move, Video Conferencing distribution and Zero Latency application delivery including the manufacturing and production.

Industry Categories: Telepresence Internetworking Provider

Company Executives:

  • Abel Avellan: President
  • Guillermo Jofre: COO
  • Herbert Pardula: Chairman and CEO
  • Thomas Luketich: Vice President, Video Conferencing & Application Services
  • Kirk Dennis: HD Connect Sales Manager

EMC Value Proposition

EMC offers integrated and managed integrated communications services and infrastructure access for global enterprises and telecommunications companies. EMC Services are supported by the EMC wholly owned vertically integrated value chain:

  • End to End managed communications focused in the Emerging Markets
  • Global Teleports and EMC Zero Latency Gateways
  • Support Centers in all continents and Global Operations Center for a 24x7x365 monitoring control and service
  • Equipment manufacturing and system integration
  • EMC MPLS VSAT and MPLS Terrestrial connectivity globally available
  • EMC Fast Ethernet and Speednet browser
  • ISP on the Sky globally available
  • EMC HD Connect : Video, infrastructure and services
  • UCNet: Unified Communications for Voice, Video, Instant Messaging and E-mail

EMC has the infrastructure, personnel and service delivery capabilities to offer enterprise,? government, telecommunications companies and NGOs a comprehensive managed communications solution.


EMC has coverage in all 196 countries in the world, and
is currently providing services to customers in over 140 of them


World Class Facilities: EMC's 120,000 Sq. Ft. Telehouse and Data Center in Raisting, Germany

Products and Services:

EMC's HD Connect Infrastructure and Services
- QoS MPLS Connectivity for Telepresence and Videoconferencing over Satellite

EMC_HD_Connect_Montage.jpgBy 2014 some estimates have video traffic representing 60% of all global enterprise communications. Pressure on organizations to lower costs, become more efficient, lower carbon emissions, and globalization trends make HD video services a necessity and not a luxury item for global enterprises. HD and 3D Video over satellite outperforms terrestrial based services in Europe and the US by a significant margin.

EMC HD Connect is the first and most competitive globally available HD/Telepresence service based on Video on Demand. HD Connect offers TV Broadcast HD quality for all locations and office sizes, favoring collaborative and friendly work environments.

Built with carrier class premium equipment from Cisco and fully compatible with all major video conference equipment, HD Connect is fully integrated to myEMC Link Monitoring and Control tool. HD Connect is also fully integrated to major desktop Unified Communication platforms from Cisco and Microsoft. It is an easy to use system that does not require a scheduling system.

EMC HD Connect Key Infrastructure Components:

  • EMC Patent Pending VMS (Video Management System): TV HD Quality Broadcast central infrastructure located at EMC Data Centers and Teleports
  • EMC Patent Pending MPLS On Demand: EMC on Demand connectivity to support TV broadcast HD quality at 2 Mbps, 4 Mbps, 8 Mbps and 16 Mbps MPLS connections on demand
  • EMC C20 End Point: Cisco/Tandberg HD video conferencing equipment and EMC VMS firmware
  • EMC MPLS, IP and ISDN Gateways: Transit points at EMC Data Centers to connect to non EMC MPLS, IP and ISDN networks

EMC UCNet, Unified Communications Platform

EMC UCNet is EMC's Unified Communications platform. It simplifies and accelerates the integration of communications systems with business applications. EMC UCNet allows organizations to streamline collaboration and other people-dependent processes by unifying all communications environments into one single tool. EMC UCNet provides one single client experience for Instant Messaging, Presence, VoIP Conferencing and Video Conferencing that is simple to use and fully integrated to EMC QoS-CoS Network Architecture.

EMC UCNet is an evolving communications technology architecture which automates and unifies device communications within an organization. From each person's computer or smart phone, any UCNet user can generate calls, virtual conference rooms, video conference, instant messaging dialogues with one or more users, knowing the status of all the persons in their contact list, or access to any of Outlook functionalities.

Main Benefits of EMC UCNet:

  • Optimization of business processes
  • Enhancement of human communications within an organization
  • Management flows of communications
  • Elimination of device and media dependencies
  • Optimization of productivity
  • Improvement of customer service
EMC UCNet have extended functionalities to EMC SpeedNet, EMC's own super high speed Internet browser, allowing UCNet users to experience a higher speed experience than with any other Unified Communications platform.
User Presence
UCNet users can create their own contact list. The system will show the presence status of each of the contacts

Instant Messaging
UCNet presents an robust Instant Messaging Platform that is scalable to handle thousands of users and can be interconnected with other networks like Gtalk and Microsoft MSN.

Calling an Online Contact

Whenever a contact is online, any UCNet user can call him or her from the screen. Calls can be made in the network or to a phone number outside of the network.

Call Conference
A UCNet user can call several of the contacts on his or her list, and create a conference call

Conference Room
The Conference Room is an innovation of UCNet. Any EMC UCNet user can set up with a few steps a conference room that allows up to 20 users simultaneously. This feature also enables to mute, kick or unmute users in the conference. A user can also set up which of the people in the contact list should be called at a specific time during the conference.

Outlook Integration and Link 2010

  • A UCNet user can access information from Outlook to create the initial Contact database.
  • UCNet can be used both from a computer or a smart phone. Functionalities can be deployed either by a regular keyboard and/or mouse, by a touchscreen system.
  • UCNet allows a user to communicate to anyone using the same platform (On-Net) as to anyone outside the platform (Off-Net)

EMC Fully Managed Connectivity Services

EMC provides a proven, all inclusive, managed connectivity solution that includes a 100% managed services and a Service Level Agreement on the application layer.

EMC's Satellite and Terrestrial MPLS offer is based on hybrid solution using both terrestrial service as well as satellite based solutions. EMC's Managed Services include a comprehensive set of connectivity and managed services in full compliance will all technical and financial aspects of our customers' requests and needs.

EMC's offering for Fully Managed Services include:

  • VSAT and/or Terrestrial MPLS circuits
  • Fast Ethernet (ISP on the Sky)
  • Router and Security Management
  • Video On Demand/Backup bandwidth on demand (EMC HD Connect)
  • Managed IPSec VPN Service
  • Global Operation Center with a 24x7x365 support
  • Licensing, installation and all related preventive and corrective maintenance
  • Web Based Monitoring and Control tool (my EMC Link)
  • Management of Customs Clearance

EMC Managed MPLS Service Overview

EMC MPLS is a network-based solution that is enabled by Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS). EMC MPLS service enables Customers to build an application aware, network-based Multiprotocol Label Switching virtual private network to link locations and efficiently transmit applications such as voice, ERP and video over a single connection. EMC MPLS enables us to offer a world class global network based MPLS VPN with options to add on the features that customers want, when they want them without having to migrate between different VPN services.

Supporting EMC's US IP/MPLS network and partner network is its robust physical layer infrastructure. The EMC MPLS Network experiences less than 1% packet loss due to the careful management of capacity. Utilization is carefully monitored and capacity is augmented based on traffic utilization, not based on an overbooking ratio. All EMC MPLS nodes are protected by dual uninterruptible power sources, including both battery backup and emergency diesel generators. In addition a robust disaster recovery scheme is tested regularly to ensure that all components work in the event of
a power failure.

EMC Fast Ethernet

EMC has developed Fast Ethernet, a patent pending technology that enables a a next generation Internet that is better, more secure and faster. This new EMC exclusive technology delivers speeds up to 100 Mbps directly to the customer wherever they are located. Fast Ethernet allows and guarantees downloads 10 times faster than a 2Mbps dedicated terrestrial link. This service is ideal for software distribution, traffic balancing, video broadcast, back-up or business continuity, internet access and broadcasting applications.

Internet traffic consumes around more than 90 percent of the existing communication channels around the world and broadband is limited in geographical coverage and performance and is not consistent in quality even in some of the most developed countries like USA and Japan.

In emerging markets the situation is even worse where local Internet exchanges are not available and web pages or corporate data centers are hosted in different and remote continents making the WAN a limiting factor for the Internet performance. Every second the same content from the Internet is sent thousands or some time millions of times each time utilizing a communication channel and filling them of unnecessary redundant data in an inefficient way using inefficient legacy protocols and inefficient web page structures coming from decades ago, from the beginnings of the Internet.

The insecurity and management resources of Internet based links add another layer of complexity to the current use of the Internet in particular for multinationals operating in hundreds of countries making Internet based connections difficult to maintain and operate requiring hundreds or thousands of firewall systems that make the connections even more inefficient.

Multimedia, HD video, IPTV, the new adoption of 3D, the increasing usage of the Internet to access files, emails attachments and videos hosted on the cloud and the convergence of Voice, Video and Data services via the Internet does not stop and continue to drive more and more Internet traffic that requires a better Internet that can be accessed in an efficient, seamless, more predictable and secure way anywhere in the planet.

More and more Enterprise customers are seeing the great value of combining EMC Fast Ethernet with their existing EMC satellite links, EMC terrestrial Links or EMC's 3rd party links since the bandwidth delivered by EMC Fast Ethernet is? unprecedented.

EMC SpeedNet - Zero Latency Platform

By combining its patented pending EMC SpeedNet browser and EMC Zero Latency infrastructure, EMC provides the fastest available internet experience to any place in the world.

Benefits of EMC SpeedNet:

  • Superior performance in all latency conditions from 50 Msec to 850 Msec
  • Drastic reduction in the number of security points and firewalls
  • Significant speed improvement with a guaranteed 100 Mbps download speed
  • Secure access for public and private cloud services
  • Simple login access to EMC Added Value Services (UcNet3, HD Connect, VoIP, IM)
  • Makes EMC Satellite links deliver the fastest Internet experience available in the market

myEMC Link Management Suite


myEMC Link is a tool developed by EMC which provides customers a central location under a single account with the option to maintain regular supervision of the terrestrial and satellite operational configurations. The tool was built to offer EMC customers easy access, real-time relevant information that can be updated by both the customer and EMC.

Key Portfolio of Patents in the USA, Europe and Japan

EMC Exclusive Satellite Frequency Rights

  • Exclusive 4.5-4.8 GHz frequency rights on EMC 5A "Plan C" -band
  • Frequency well suited for traditional VSAT
  • Terrestrial, Maritime and Satcom on the Move for Emergency Response
  • ITU supported frequency allocation in C-Band for 90cm Ultra Small terminals
EMC VMS (Video Managed Services)
  • Proprietary US Patent Pending
  • Dynamic allocation of bandwidth in support of EMC's Video Managed Service solution
  • Solution reduces bandwidth requirements resulting in greater affordability for HD and telepresence global implementation

EMC Zero Latency Architecture

  • Proprietary US Patent Pending Satellite architecture to deliver the fastest Internet experience available using EMC's Fast Ethernet connectivity and EMC SpeedNet Browser

EMC Corporate Overview


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Thursday, February 9, 2012

Antivir Spyware

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AntiVir and ZoneAlarm are not enough. If you do not immunize (prevent attacks) your PC regularly (At least twice a month ) it WILL get infected. Spyware, browsers, and file sharing software are used ? Return Doc

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1 1 Introduction Avira AntiVir Professional from Avira GmbH protects you computer against viruses, malware, adware and spyware, unwanted programs and other dangers. ? Fetch Here

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1 1 Introduction Your AntiVir program protects your computer against viruses, worms, Trojans, adware and spyware and other risks. In this manual these are referred to as viruses or malware (harmful software) and unwanted programs. ? Access Content

AboutFree Virus Removal Tools ? Antivirus Software
AntiVir Personal Edition, from H+BEDV, runs under Windows 9x/Me/NT/2000/XP and is available free for personal use. ? Read Article

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It is probably blasting your computer with fake pop-ups and spyware scans. Antivir Solution Pro can be a real pain. Solution Pro is a new spyware app that is infecting many laptops. ? Fetch Doc

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SUPERAntiSpyware Awards and Accolades SUPERAntiSpyware is featured as one of a select few programs on Spyware Warrior?s trusted/recommended application More than once, when running after AntiVir, it has found and removed malicious software.? ? Return Document

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Avira AntiVir Premium reliably protects against all threats from viruses, worms, trojans, rootkits, phishing, adware, spyware, bots, and dangerous ?drive-by? downloads. ? Fetch Doc

AboutSoftware Reviews ? Software Reviews And Recommendations For ?
This review focuses on free editions of three: AntiVir, AVAST and AVG. Ad-Aware from Lavasoft has long been the industry-leader in spyware detection and removal and this latest version raises that bar even further. ? Read Article

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spyware and other malware • Innovative AHeAD*technology (Advanced Heuristic Analysis and Detection) for detection of unknown or fast changing attackers for proactive security • Avira Rootkit Detection (protects against tempering processes) incl. repair function • When using Avira AntiVir Exchange ? Access Document

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Introduction 6 Avira AntiVir Professional Avira GmbH 1 Introduction Avira AntiVir Professional from Avira GmbH protects you computer against viruses, malware, adware and spyware, unwanted programs and other dangers. ? Access Full Source

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This ensures your network is secure against viruses, worms, Trojans, adware, spyware and other malware. All this at a price up to 30 % less than the individual licenses if purchased separately. * *All*inclusive • Avira*AntiVir*Professional ? the best possible protection for your desktop PCs * NEW: Now also ? Doc Retrieval

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1 1 Introduction Avira AntiVir Premium from Avira GmbH protects you computer against viruses, malware, adware and spyware, unwanted programs and other dangers. ? Return Doc

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H+BEDV AntiVir Personal (Antivirus) • 10. PC Decrapifier (Computer Cleaner) • 11. Trend Micro CWShredder (Spyware Removal) • 12. ? Get Content Here

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Categories, you receive a corresponding alert if Avira AntiVir Personal detects such software. Adware/Spyware (ADSPY) Software that displays advertising or software that sends the user's personal data ? View Doc

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Antivir Solution Pro is a rogue anti-spyware program from the same family as Antivirus Soft and AV Security Suite. This family of rogues is installed through the use of ? View Video

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Avira IT Security For Educational Institutions
Avira AntiVir for education, science and schools offers educational institutions optimum all-round protection with a cost-efficient license. The reliable and extremely well performing Avira technology makes sure that viruses, worms, Trojans, ad/spyware, exploits, rootkits and spam are rapidly ? Visit Document

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PDF fileAvira AntiVir Server
1 1 Introduction Your AntiVir program protects your computer against viruses, worms, Trojans, adware and spyware and other risks. In this manual these are referred to as viruses or malware (harmful software) and unwanted programs. ? Access Document

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• AVIRA AntiVir Personal 10.0 • BitDefender Antivirus Pro 2011 • eScan Anti-Virus 11.0 • PC Tools Spyware Doctor with AV 8.0 • Qihoo 360 Antivirus 1.1 • Sophos Anti-Virus 9.5 ? View This Document

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INFORMATION SECURITY 05-06/2007 Available online in a convenient package with Avira AntiVir Premium or Premium Suite Pocket PC Smartphone Anti Vir Anti Spyware Anti Dialer ? Retrieve Here

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PDF fileAvira AntiVir Personal
Categories, you receive a corresponding alert if Avira AntiVir Personal detects such software. Adware/Spyware (ADSPY) ?Software that displays advertising or software that sends the user's personal data ? Access Full Source

AboutAntivirus Software And Resources For DOS.
From Kaspersky, a list of file viruses and their accompanying descriptions infected DOS-related files. AntiVir ? Read Article

WikipediaComodo Internet Security ? Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
In CIS 5.0, it offers cloud antivirus protection and spyware scanning capabilities. The antivirus had great detection but its cleaning capabilities weren?t that great. ? Read Article

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