Saturday, October 13, 2012

5 Reasons Why Blog Talk Radio Is Perfect For Your business

Blog Talk Radio has been on the internet airwaves for the past 6 years. During this time they have helped tens of thousands of amateur internet radio broadcasters present their message around the world. However, with every new technology this platform has a steep learning curve. Here are five ways to understand and leverage Blog Talk Radio for your business.

  1. Make sure your event descriptions are complete and interesting. This might be basic information, but you would be shocked at how many people do not fill everything out to the detriment of the show. ?Spend an extra 5-10 minutes confirming everything is correct. You do not want a throng of listeners to miss your show, because you clicked the wrong date or did not realize the event was recurring.
  2. Social media is huge with Blog Talk Radio. Since this is internet radio, sharing the episodes before, during, and after on social media is critical to your success. The shows provide content that allow businesses to create events around the radio show and allow users to share your events as well. ?The potential to create audio content anyone can listen to provides an incredible ability to share this information with people?s networks. The internet is no longer about what we read. Social media encompasses all of our senses, including hearing.
  3. Build your brand. Most business owners are interested in tools like Blog Talk Radio for the correct belief that they can offer proof they are an expert in their field. These 30-minute plus events can demonstrate your knowledge of the subject, and provide clients with a reason to move forward with their services. ?Instead of sharing the most recent article on Mashable, CNN, or Huffington Post, Blog Talk Radio hosts share their upcoming radio appearances.
  4. Turn your shows into podcasts. The benefit of using Blog Talk Radio is you can easily convert your sessions into podcasts you can share on numerous Podcasting sites from iTunes to Podcasting Alley. ?This allows you to grow an audience who might not be able to make your regularly scheduled shows. Moreover, having the podcasts on other sites will open up the possibilities of your show growing even faster. Listeners can hear the podcast and then decide to listen into the next live show. ?To access this podcast, go to your archived episodes. Find the episode you want, and on the right hand side click the download link (it is a down arrow). You can then send out your podcasts to different medium and build on the traffic you started with Blog Talk Radio.
  5. When you start growing your listeners look at the premium plan to determine if Blog Talk Radio can increase your audience participation and listenership. For a new radio show you probably want to understand the platform first. ?Understand how the system works and learn how to drive traffic to your show. Once you have accomplished that goal start looking at the premium channels. There are a number of benefits to having a pro account. The big three are:

Promotional Impressions: For those who want to get boost ?their listenership, using the premium account is ideal. You get a minimum of 5,000 impressions across Blog Talk Radio?s millions of listeners.

Premium Studio: You can ?upload audio files, screen live callers, and have up to 50 concurrent callers at any one time. Also, because you can upload audio files imagine taking 2-minute breaks to play client ads for listeners, which can bring in a side revenue stream.

Longer (And Premium) Air Times: The free account is great to get started. However, if you want the larger audiences you need prime time slots. The hours between 6-10 PM are the hot spots to get, because listeners are coming home and listening to your station in the car as they drive. It is a perfect opportunity to get their attention. ?Blog Talk Radio?s premium options provide long-term show hosts the power to create a lasting impression with their audience.

These are just five examples of why Blog ?Talk Radio is a great platform. The power of Blog Talk Radio lies in it?s ability to be so flexible and up-to-date with so many forms of internet marketing.

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