Thursday, April 4, 2013

New Green Tree Huggers Program for Exclusive E-Books ... - PRLog



Print Credits, Planned E-Book Titles, and Marketing Platform on a Digital Card

PRLog (Press Release) - Apr. 1, 2013 - VENICE, Fla. -- Several factors combine to revolutionize and facilitate the publishing process for the author today. These include digital publishing of E-Books, development of E-readers, tablets and smartphones, high speed internet transmission, image manipulation software, online PR and advertising, online newsletters, newspapers and magazines, blogging, social media, as well as online financial services.

? ? Most of these factors create conditions where an author can write a novel or a memoir, design a cover, and self-publish it as an E-Book as soon as it ?is ready. He can then immediately promote it using online PR services, and social media such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Google Plus and YouTube. All this can be done within hours of publication and free of charge. So who needs an agent, publisher and a waste of time and money to do it the traditional way.

? ? The author and latest technologies are now in charge of the publishing process. Traditional publishers have been attacking the self-publishing print and E-Book products for years. They claim substandard products are the result. But all you have to do is to walk through the aisles of bookstores and book sections in drugstores and supermarkets to find just as many substandard products in print. At least a substandard E-Book saves a lot of trees and energy, because it does not need to be wrapped up in more paper, and sent through the mails or delivered by trucks. Yet they use the same digital publishers that self publishing authors do.

? ? The development of E-Readers is also explosive on a worldwide basis. There are dozens of models on the market from Amazon, Kobo and many other. One German model from txtr is an E-Reader priced at about $ 13, which is powered with just a couple of AA batteries that will last a whole year. There is a global trend to develop E-Readers for the masses. It may not be long before a solar-powered E-Reader comes to market. Ubiquitous tablets and smartphones are another E-Reader solution for E-Books in many cases.

? ? Image manipulation software such as Photoshop or Picasa, provide all the functions required to design a book cover whether for a print book or an E-Title. What's more many are free to use with your internet service, and all you need to keep in mind is the size of the cover image. On E-Readers your cover may be of thumbnail size and black and white. This means it must be designed using proper images, lettering, and colors, to stand out among other covers on a small ?E-Reader screen.

? ?Many press release services offer free versions on the Internet. You can write your story like this one you are reading now. You can also include your E-Book cover you just designed. Moreover you can indicate, where and how, your blog or office can be reached, and how to look at a free sample of your E-Book on Amazon Kindle.

? ? Then of course, you can establish a free account on Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, or YouTube and announce your new E-Book on each, free of charge. Better still, you can include the URL's of ?your free press releases on those accounts, as well as in E-mails to your friends and editors of selected newspapers and book reviewers. And let's not forget TV and Radio talk shows.

? ?21st Century Research Amazon Kindle Publications

? ?The firm evaluates digital publishing in form of ?E-Books, E-Stories, E-Reports and E-Flash Stories which can be published on Amazon Kindle and other tablets like Kobo. Bohdan O. Szuprowicz, is already testing the applicability of Kindle publishing with several E-Stories including "The Sweet Taste of Revenge", "A Cold War Love Affair", "How They Stopped Hitler's Nuclear Weapons Program", "A Sawgrass Vendetta", "A Christmas I Want to Forget" and "A Guide to Foreign Obama Cartoons". "Stop and Think About Guns in Your Life" ?- Childhood and Teenage Years are the latest two E-Books published on Amazon Kindle.

About 21st Century Research

? ? Bohdan O. Szuprowicz, President of 21st Century Research, arrived in the Unites States soon after the Russians launched the Sputnik satellite in 1957. He was recruited by Boeing in Seattle as an engineer and later he joined General Dynamics and IBM, whence he moved to the Center for Economic and Industrial Research Inc. headquartered in Washington DC. He began writing articles about progress of automation in many industries and became the editor of High Technology West, a subsidiary of the newspaper California Business in Los Angeles. This was followed by a round-the-world trip to evaluate computerization in many countries of Africa, Australasia and Europe and included a special visit to Vietnam to observe use of information technology under wartime conditions.

? ? He founded the 21st Century Research consultancy in 1974 and collaborated with Chase Manhattan Bank in setting up a market research operation to evaluate opportunities in China, the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. He traveled frequently to those areas and crossed Checkpoint Charlie to East Berlin on several occasions. He also toured South Africa to observe apartheid environments and met with independence fighters in Namibia. His work on network planning earned him an invitation to present it at the International Symposium on Operations Research for Developing Countries in Paris.

? ? As a result of his experiences and research into global geopolitics, he published ?Doing Business with People?s Republic of China? and ?How to Avoid Strategic Materials Shortages? with John Wiley & Sons, as well as ?How to Invest in Strategic Metals? with St. Martin?s Press. He also published ?Multimedia Networking? with McGraw-Hill, which included Japanese and Korean editions and ?Multimedia Tools for Managers? developed for AMACOM. Szuprowicz also collaborated for several years with Computer Technology Research, and published 15 corporate reports about search engines, ?multimedia, Internet marketing, and various networking technologies.

? ?He also published hundreds of articles in many countries in journals such as Les Affaires, Atlanta Constitution, Australian Financial News, Barron?s Weekly, Bull & Bear, Business South Africa, California Business, Canadian Business, China Business Review, Christian Science Monitor, Computerworld, Denver Post, Dun?s Review, Eurofinance, Financial Post, Investment Dealers Digest, IPO Reporter, Japan Economic Journal, National Investment & Finance of India, Newsday, Newsweek International, New Scientist, Oficinas, Polish Daily, Singapore Times, Skrzydlata Polska, Usine Nouvelle, Wall Street Microinvestor, Wall Street Transcript, ZeroUno and many others.



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