Friday, February 15, 2013

Energy and the State of the Union

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My administration will keep cutting red tape and speeding up.

New oil and gas permits.

That's got to be proud of all of the above plan for the past four years the leases and permits on federal -- United States onshore.

Have gone down over 30%.

The major increases in oil and natural gas in the United States over the past four years have been on private land.

Well a lot of talk about the president's talk of energy and State of the Union Address and one thing that wasn't mentioned the Keystone Pipeline.

I controversy about that still hasn't been approved by this administration here's what the Senate Minority Leader said about it quote.

The president spoke about energy infrastructure but he didn't mention the Keystone Pipeline he chose the nation's.

Biggest stage to promote something that's inefficient and costly like solar panels instead of something that's proven and reliable.

And domestically produced like Cole.

We're back with the panel.


Energy you know there is that there was a conflicting.

Message in in that State of the Union Address.

Is the president selling it is he getting across that message and is -- winning on this issue.

I think he's losing on this issue the Keystone Pipeline.

There is no there's not a single rational argument against it.

The only argument is that resumed its not really it's rather dirty oil and Alberta and if you don't to build the pipeline we'll stay in the ground.

Which of course is ridiculous.

The Canadians have announced they have said openly if it doesn't head south.

It's -- -- west the Chinese are hungry for all that energy.

-- not gonna leave it in the ground so it's not gonna have any effect on the climate.

And so that there is nothing left here against the symbolism of the fact.

That Obama after he delayed this until after election for obviously political reasons -- his base after he wins election he doesn't sailing about it.

And I found it shocking -- -- in the State of the Union Address -- -- out there hanging.

And he has the vision there's green universe.

Which is gonna happen a hundred years in the me in the meantime we -- them suffer.

He pretended in the State of the Union Address -- -- today.

That somehow by going into green energy would reduce our costs for energy.

Which is precisely the opposite the reason that he has to give.

All of these subsidies is because wind and solar and all the other stuff and algae is not self supporting it is much more expensive.

And if you force it on the consumer you raise rates.

You make life increasingly expensive.

So I think it's a complete contradiction -- -- reality and ultimately reality win.

No one.

The administration approved it wants.

Moved into a less.

Controversial route but it has to be approved again there's nothing standing in the way and -- that the governor of Nebraska has approved it.

Environmentalists are upset that actually keystone wasn't mentioned last night.

Very different really different reason doctor Aaron -- they -- -- they want to stop so there -- protests today in fact about keystone.

And so the issue splits there are unions who are supporting.

This Keystone Pipeline being.

Put in place and because it creates high paying jobs so this is a real conundrum for this White House that seems knocked.

Ready to -- office.

They're not ready to deal with it because and you know the green folks have money and they had invested in -- Obama administration.

That's -- handled by the way if you got arrested today.

And let me just say that there were real reasons as you suggested the governor of Nebraska said this is going to cause problems -- -- aquifer in Nebraska -- -- -- real issue.

Now they have a different route the governor has approved it is you said.

The second thing to say -- this is not necessarily oil -- the United States even if it goes through the United States and it is a job creator which is why in the polls now most Americans support.

Having the XL pipeline approve.

But the question then becomes what about what does this say in terms of America's energy future and about the environment about the potential damage in this.

For this this -- would do to the country.

And from the president's perspective I think there's the political cost of going against the green energy folks and secondly in the country political cost it's his second -- Political cost I think that would be political talk -- -- what Democrats -- -- -- these are running didn't want doesn't matter I don't I think that his legacy his I was about to say and you're you're such a press conference pressing bacteria are.

Because I think in terms of his legacy he is moving towards the idea that America has to be in competition he said this last night with the Chinese the Germans the Brazilians.

Who are in the alternative energy field.

And if we get left behind those jobs won't be coming to the United States and if you continue to invest in the traditional coal based oil based -- sources of energy.

You're not moving the ball porch.

Waiting to swallow the oil that.

Obama is denying the brigadier general yeah this.

This is this is an implication of that truly limousine liberal crowd that loves these issues in terms of actual energy production.

All of this all the stuff that he's pouring billions into the donors gave him and all the rest.

Is he rounding error what real energy is about it now you have you have more charging stations in Tennessee even you have electric cars right now.

If you improve the efficiency of how he burn coal by half by 1% it dwarfs by thirty fold all the stuff you get from solar and green energy.


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