Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Apple Sued Over 36-Year-Old?s Porn Addiction

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NextApple630Apple (AAPL) is getting a lot of criticism these days. Some say it has lost its innovative edge. Others say its patent infringement suits are too aggressive. Now, the iPad and iPhone-maker is being blamed for something altogether different ? a man?s failed marriage.

Chris Sevier is suing Apple for making it too easy for him to watch pornography on its devices. The 36-year-old Tennessee man claims he accidentally mistyped Facebook?s (FB) URL into Safari and was transported to a pornographic site. Sevier says he became so engaged with the images of women on the pornographic website that his wife left him, the U.K.?s Register notes.

In his lawsuit, Sevier calls pornography a ?silent poisoner? and says that Apple should have installed blocking software to prevent the unwary from falling into its snare. He also notes that no one at the Apple Store warned him of the potential evil lurking online.

Sevier claims that his pornography addition left him ?depressed and despondent? and is asking for unspecified damages.

Ironically, Apple is well known for strict anti-pornography policies regarding apps submitted to its App Store. The company has also battled pornographer who attempted to use URLs incorporating the names of Apple products.

Article printed from InvestorPlace Media, http://investorplace.com/2013/07/apple-sued-over-36-year-olds-porn-addiction/.

?2013 InvestorPlace Media, LLC

Source: http://investorplace.com/2013/07/apple-sued-over-36-year-olds-porn-addiction/

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